大陆人可以在香港以个人身份注册 Stripe 吗?

许多独立开发者面临收款问题,Stripe 是一个非常全面的收款解决方案。但它没有在中国开展业务。那么,大陆人可以在香港以个人身份注册 Stripe 吗?

昨晚与 Stripe 客服沟通了,以中国大陆身份及个人角色注册 Stripe HK 的话是不可能的,就算以虚假信息注册下来也存在被封号的风险。同时,也让客服查询了全球有哪些国家是支持以中国大陆护照及个人身份注册 Stripe 的,结果是:没有。客服建议我通过Stripe Atlas在特拉华州成立公司,这样就可以完美地使用 Stripe,并且是全程网上搞定。

我让 ChatGPT 整理了我与客服的对话,朋友们可以参考一下:

以下是你与Stripe客服Fil的完整对话。你们讨论了如何使用香港驾驶执照、地址证明和银行卡来注册一个Stripe的香港个人账户。虽然你没有香港身份证,但你还是希望以个人身份注册。经过详细的讨论和审查,Fil确认当前没有国家支持非居民使用护照注册个人账户,并提供了通过Stripe Atlas在特拉华州成立公司的建议。你表示了遗憾,但感谢了Fil的帮助,并表示将考虑他的建议。


JOHN: Hi. I currently hold a Hong Kong driver’s license, have proof of a Hong Kong address, and own a Hong Kong bank card. Can I apply for a Stripe Individual Hong Kong account?

Fil: Hi John. May I ask, are you a Hong Kong citizen?

JOHN: No, I am not a Hong Kong citizen.

Fil: You could open up a Stripe account in a country in which we’re available if you meet certain requirements.

JOHN: I couldn’t find a place to enter my driver’s license information. Could you please guide me?

Fil: Can you check the business type you’ve selected? You should register as a company instead of an individual.

JOHN: Thank you for the suggestion, but I would like to register as an Individual, as I don’t have a company.

Fil: Unfortunately, we can’t accept non-HK ID numbers for merchants signing up as individuals. You need to obtain a BRN first.

JOHN: Is there any other country where non-residents can register an individual account using a passport?

Fil: After a careful review, there is no country where you can register a Stripe account as an “Individual.” However, if you are interested in forming a US company, you can use Stripe Atlas.

JOHN: That’s unfortunate to hear, but I appreciate your thorough review. Thank you for the suggestion and detailed information. I’ll take some time to consider this option.

Fil: You’re welcome. It was nice chatting with you. Have a pleasant day!

JOHN: Goodbye!

感谢Stripe客服团队的耐心解答和支持,虽然没有找到理想的解决方案,但客服的态度和专业知识给人留下深刻印象。#CustomerService #Stripe